Wednesday 21 March 2018

Week 8

A huge thank you to all children for their effort last week at camp.  For many of them they were pushed outside their comfort zones but with their positive attitude and encouragement from others they were able to complete activities which they found difficult. 
While exhausting all the children were a pleasure to work with and the class spirit and teamwork increased over the week.  There is a folder with hundreds of camp photos which children have access to so please take a look.  A final huge thanks to our wonderful parents who supported us at camp - it really is impossible to undertake a camp like this without you.
This week has been a bit messy with camp post activities being completed and tired children!  I'm sure everyone is looking forward to a well deserved long weekend.
With camp done and only 3 weeks to go we will really be knuckling down until the end of term and getting into some reading, writing and maths!!
Enjoy the long weekend.

Thursday 8 March 2018

Week 6

Wow - can't believe that we are off to camp on Monday!  It has been a super busy week with athletics, swimming, Mike King and camp prep.  A huge congratulations to all our class members who competed or helped at the athletics and swimming.  You all performed to the best of your ability and your behaviour was of the highest standard.

Unfortunately I missed Mike King on Wednesday and his message of "I Am Hope" but the children who did attend really enjoyed it and we had a good discussion of what they took out of his story.

The children are getting very excited about camp.  This week we have been doing some pre camp activities.  Hopefully everyone is getting their gear organised and has everything they require.  Please let me know as soon as possible if there is anything you don't have.  I will bring some spare wetsuits.  A reminder that a container of baking is also required. The weather is looking good at this stage!

Congratulations to Israel and Jahnae who were announced Student Leaders this afternoon.  Also to Daniel who is Deputy Leader.  I know they will represent Room 7 and Rosebank School with pride.

Have a great weekend and if you could ensure your child gets plenty of sleep in preparation for a busy week ahead that would be great!

Last Week!!

Last Blog Term 1!! It just seemed like the other day that I was learning how to Blog - now I'm writing the last one!!   I'm really...